Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day with Grandpa & Grandma Brower

Merry Christmas! We spent the day with Grandpa and Grandma Brower. Brielle again had so much fun and got some really great presents!
She usually has more fun with things other than her gifts. She loved the little confetti streamers that came out of a gift bag. Daddy would drop them on her and she would just giggle :)
Daddy and his princess
G & G Brower got Brielle a picnic table for her birthday so one of her presents was a picnic basket with all kinds of neat things in it!
The BEST present was her American Girl doll...Bitty Baby! Brielle and Bitty Baby got matching jammies...that will be so fun! Thanks G & G Brower for a wonderful Christmas...I love you!


The Stein Family said...

I LOVE the confetti streamer picture! I can hear her laughing now! I can't wait to see her again so that I can actually play with her! She is so precious!
Love you all!

The Stein Family said...

I love the confetti streamers photo!!! I can hear her know! She is so precious Danae! Can't wait to see her again so I can actually play with her!
Love you all!