Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Guess What!!

Yep, Brielle is potty trained! We have tried off and on this past year and she has been going pee pee for some time, but nothing consistent and she wouldn't ever tell us when she had to go. 2 wks ago we put panties on her and she had 2 accidents and has been smooth sailing since. She had a little trouble with wanting to go #2 on the toilet, but as of last Sunday that is now a thing of the past and she goes on the toilet everyday! Today she had to go while I was feeding Bryce and she took herself and ever since she wants to do it "by myself" every time!
She is so proud of herself and so are we!

Such a big girl
Can't have a post without talking about the little guy. Bryce is now 5 months and continues to be a really good baby and is for the most part always happy. He is finally starting to roll over, but really doesn't like to be on his belly except to sleep. He is now eating rice and oatmeal cereals and loves them both. He is quite the little piggy. We will probably introduce veggies very soon. We can't wait to see what he weighs at his 6 month appt. Our tiny little peanut is filling out nicely and is probably going to weigh more than his long string bean of a cousin Cohen who was 3 lbs heavier at birth :)
Sissy was making him smile here

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Beautiful Daughter & Adorable Son

A few weeks ago we took the kids to get their pictures taken. Brielle wasn't really in the mood for it, but in the end they turned out cuter than ever. Of course our happy Bryce did fantastic. He kept flashing that beautiful smile of his. The ones taken of them together are absolutely priceless. Enjoy!

She loves him soooo much!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hungry Boy!

Bryce has been showing signs of being extra hungry lately so we decided to start cereal. Overall he did a great job for his first time. He never acted like he didn't like it, but it took him a few bites to figure out what to do with it. By the second half of the bowl he was doing really well and ate it all! He got pretty messy too :)
WHAT are you trying to feed me?!

That cereal stuff was pretty good! Our little peanut is now our chunky monkey!
Happy boy :)
Big boy playing in his new toy..he loves this thing!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dr. Brielle Brower

Brielle got a doctor kit for Christmas last year that she loves to play with. She had always taken care of me or one of her baby dolls, but ever since her brother was born she has had a new "patient" to take care of! Being the good baby that he is, he allows her to do just about anything to him. She will come into the room with her kit and say "Here I am..Dr. Brielle Brower" it is so cute!
Wearing the very dorky doctor glasses
The "patient" Bryce all bandaged up
getting ready to take his temp
probably wishing someone would take the band aids off so he could bend his wrist!