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Sunday, April 6, 2008

My First Walk With Mommy & Daddy!!

Strolling in my Graco ride, 65 degrees, shades on, wind blowing, sun shining, this is great!!After 35 minutes I'm out cold, this is the life!!


grandma said...

Grandma wishes she could be there going on a walk with you. Looks like you had fun and I love you with your sun glasses on. What a doll baby!!

Grandma K

Denise Brower said...

Where did you get those sweet sunglasses? Now she is a groovy sweetie pierzzzz!

Baby Meyers said...

You are the cutest thing ever! I cannot wait to see you this weekend! I'm going to kiss your face off and snuggle you tight. Hurry up and get here!

Love you,
Aunt Shanni

J3 said...

I can't believe you left your sunglasses on!!

Love you,

Aunt J