Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, July 28, 2011


We spent the past week and a half in Fort Wayne at my sisters house. The kids really enjoyed being together, but every time they wanted to go outside they came back in like 5 minutes later saying it was too hot! So we racked our brains to think of something "cool" to do while getting out of the house at the same time...."Bounce Mania" here we come!! Of course the big kids loved it, but the little guys were a little unsure at first. Bryce actually cried when we got in the room and turns out he cried when it was time to go...guess he liked it too!

Going down the biggest slide right off the bat!

Ready, Set...
"Let's do it again"
Warming up.... this is pretty fun!

I could barely get her to hold still long enough for a close up

I'm thinking from this face that he wants to go back :)

1 comment:

Baby Meyers said...

Those faces are priceless! We loved all our time together and miss you already.

Love you,
Cam & Co