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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bryce Update

I have no pictures just a quick update. I went to the dr today for my 37 week appointment. No big news and just a little change...dr said I am not quite 3 cm, but a really good 2. I'm also 70% effaced. We are still on track for an induction on Thursday May 6...16 more days! I go back next Tuesday for my LAST appt....that seems so crazy! I will update after my next appt. My sister is being induced on Thursday morning, please say a prayer for a safe and quick delivery of a healthy baby boy or girl...Thanks :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SOOOO exciting for you and your family!! I cannot believe you guys are BOTH done with your pregnancies, already! Seems like it went so fast! Oh, I just can't wait to meet these babies! Congrats and Blessings to you all...We will be praying!!