Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day Fun...

We spent Memorial Day weekend in Fort Wayne with our family and friends. We had so much fun. The weather was very nice so Brielle got to spend a lot of time playing outside.
Running out of the sprinkler telling me HI!!!
Taking a popsicle break...mmmm good
On Monday Brielle got to play with her cousin Camden and her friend Addison at Grandpa and Grandma Brower's. They ran through the sprinker and took a wagon ride.

What a great weekend...:)


Baby Meyers said...

The picture of her swinging is my new favorite!


Anonymous said...

sooo cute...I love them all in the wagon and Miss Brielle standing up...too cute! I have to tell you Addi's new word is "Brielle" she was looking at my pictures on my phone and I showed her the one when her and Brielle were on the bench at your house and she pointed to Brielle and said Breaa! She comes over to the computer now and asks for Breaa, when I get to your blog she keeps saying Breaa, Breaa, HI, baby!! I think it's sooo cute that she knows who she is! I love it. Hope to see you and "Breaa" soon!