Brielle made it through her surgery....thanks for all the prayers! It took about 2.5 hours. They said she did very well. They gave her some medicine this morning when we got here to make her sleepy so she wouldn't be upset when they took her from us. It made her very tired and goofy. All the details get to be a bit confusing, but basically she has a blockage at the bottom of her ureter where it connects to her bladder which is the initial cause of all her problems. The narrowing of the ureter at the bottom caused the ureter to get huge and fluid to back up and not drain from her kidney. A blood vessel and her ureter up near her kidney were both kinked so the dr. cut a portion of her ureter so he could unkink it and move the blood vessel. I know very confusing. Everything with that procedure went well. She has a tube inside her kidney that comes out of her incision that is draining fluid from her kidney. There is still the initial problem at the bottom of her ureter which may require a 2nd surgery. In 2 weeks (scheduled for Dec. 23rd) she will have a test done where they will shoot dye through the tube that is connected to her kidney and they will watch to see if it drains right out into the bladder or if there is still a blockage at the bottom. More than likely she will need another surgery to repair this, but because he repaired the top it may take pressure off her huge ureter and allow the bottom to open up....this is what we are praying happens. It's a lot of information that makes more sense hearing it from the doctor. Right now our princess is resting and doing great. We just need to pray that she won't have to go through this again! Thanks for all the prayers and support, Jake and I really appreciate it. I will update again tomorrow. We may get to go home tomorrow night, if not Friday morning.
Daddy and his little princess before surgery. She was getting very sleepy!
After surgery in her room. She would open her eyes for about a minute then she would go back to sleep and snuggle with Mommy
Very tired girl....Got some milk in her tummy and was out like a light! Brielle had pain medicine put in her back like an epidural which will last about 20-24 hours, but can make her itch so she was given benedryl to help with that. She was also given tylenol with codeine to help when the other pain meds wear off. All the meds have really hit her and she is out!
Very tired girl....Got some milk in her tummy and was out like a light! Brielle had pain medicine put in her back like an epidural which will last about 20-24 hours, but can make her itch so she was given benedryl to help with that. She was also given tylenol with codeine to help when the other pain meds wear off. All the meds have really hit her and she is out!
1 comment:
That is wonderful news and glad everything went so smoothly for her and the parents. We will continue to pray for her during recovery. Lots of Love!
Uncle Tim, Aunt Kimra & boys
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