Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Brielle Goes to Preschool

Brielle started preschool this month and she loves it! She goes 2 days a week from 9-12. When I pick her up she always says "I want to go back to school'! I'm so happy she loves it so much. Each school day was assigned a color to wear and then they do crafts and such using that color. Enjoy the pictures of Brielle going to school this month!

Her first day....yellow

Red day...she looks like she is getting ready to start a cheer!
Green day, she was leader on this day and got to take her 3 favorite pictures to share with her classmates

Ready to go in blue

School picture day. In the picture with her is Hamilton Bear, the class friend. They take turns taking him home. He comes home with books to read and a craft to do.

Black and white day, she is quite the poser!

Her first month of school is over and she is doing great! They learn a Bible verse every month and this months was 1 Corinthians 14:40 Put all things in order. Now it's time to start learning October's!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Brielle's Sweet Shop

Brielle's 4th birthday party was all about the sweets and treats with her "sweet shop". I had so much fun making everything for her special day. We had cupcake pops, cupcake bites, lollipop cookies, chocolate lollipops and lots of candy. Brielle had a great day and the weather was perfect. She got everything she asked for and then some. She got a new Peyton Manning jersey, the barbie she totally wanted, an easy bake oven, a new American Girl doll and outfits, a barbie head to do her hair, a new nightgown, bead necklace kit, and more! It turned out to be a sweet, sweet day!

Brielle's "lollipop" invitation

Our sweet girlie
Sweet Shop
Cupcake bites
Chocolate lollipop favors

Cupcake pops and marshmellow pops

What's a party without a bounce house to burn off the sugar!

She was very excited to open her presents this year, more so than any other year

Even though it isn't looking good for Manning, she will still wear her new jersey and root for the Colts!Check out her blue "Colts" hair

Playing with her cousin/bff after a great party

Thank you to all that made her day so special :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

4 Year Check up

Brielle had her 4 year check up at the doctor today. She had her vision and hearing checked for the first time. Her vision exam was the same as an adults, but instead of reading an eye chart of letters it was a chart of shapes. Then for the hearing test she had to touch my hand every time she heard a beep. She passed both, not that we didn't think she would :) She weighs 39 lbs (79%) and is 42 inches (90%). Dr. Freeman says she is growing beautifully! Then came the news that she had to get 3 shots....Bummer! She got the flu mist which was no big deal then her 3 booster shots. She was very brave and did well. She hasn't had to have any shots since she was 18 months old, which she doesn't remember, so it was kind of a big deal. Since she was such a big girl about it she got to pick something special at Target!! She has been seeing the commercials for Cabbage Patch dolls so that's what she got :)

So cute in her gown waiting on the doctor

and I had to put one of my little guy being cute as well!