Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

*Stauffer Christmas*

We celebrated Christmas with MawMaw and Papa Tim on the 23rd this year. We enjoyed the evening with the aunts, uncles, and cousins on that side of the family. There are now 7 grand kids 6 years old and under, 3 of them being 1 and younger. It is very wild and busy to say the least, but a really great time.
The little guys
Our little guy...his eyes are HUGE!
Brooklin and Bryce checking each other out :)
Brielle showing off one of her many neat gifts..we are excited to read with Bugsby!
MawMaw and Papa Tim with part of the clan.... and with all 7

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

*Kickoff To Christmas 2010*

We kicked off the Christmas holiday on Wednesday night at our house. The kids opened their gifts from us since we were leaving for Fort Wayne on Thursday morning. Brielle had so much fun opening her gifts and helping Bryce open his. I think they were both happy with the things they got. Bryce got some new toys and Brielle did too, but the best gift to her was Hungry Hungry Hippos which is what she asked for!
Bryce tasted paper for the first time
Checking out one of his new toys
So excited she got it
We had to play right away!!
More to come of our Christmas 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Bryce Jacob

I had a really cute video of Bryce that I wanted to post, but it was too big to upload to the blog so I decided to share some recent pics of our happy boy instead! Not much has changed other than he now has his front 2 bottom teeth and is working on the front 2 on top! We are looking forward to Christmas and I just hope I remember to get my camera out and snap a ton of pics :)
7 1/2 months
He is looking more and more like Brielle

So sweet...he is our thumb sucker!
The other day I sat Bryce's bottle on the end table and went to do something quick before I fed him and when I came back into the room big sister was taking care of it for me! She is such a great helper!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Visit from Friends

Our good friends Eric & Stephanie came down for a visit this past weekend with their daughter Addison. Brielle and Addi don't see each other as often as us parents wish they could, but you would never know it. When they get together they are the best of friends. They had so much fun and played so well together. They would go off in another room or up to Brielle's room and shut the door and play for what seemed like forever. It seemed as if they were older than what they really are! We love that they have become such great friends and that they have a blast together. We can't wait for our next get together!!
Watching a movie
Brielle giving Bryce kisses
Addi's turn
Bryce thought the girls were crazy
BUT he did love that they made sure he had PLENTY of toys!