Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, July 30, 2010

Silly & Sweet

Brielle loves to help me fold the laundry, but mostly she loves to take pieces of clothing and go put them on. The other day she ran off with a few things and when I walked out to the other room this is what I found...
wearing Daddy's work socks. I love how they are pulled all the way up to her knees!

so silly!
Of course I had to add a couple pics of our sweet boy
oh how we love him

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Vacation House...

Jake and his Dad recently bought a new vacation home for our families in North Port, Florida. It is just south of Sarasota. They closed on it last Monday July 12th. We packed up our car and a U-Haul trailer and headed to our new home on Sat. July 11th with Jake's parents. We just got home yesterday after about 9 days there. Our kids were amazing both drives there and back...we were so proud of them :) Believe it or not I didn't take any pictures of the house. We were pretty busy getting it furnished so that next time we go we can relax and enjoy it. We did a lot of shopping, which my mother-in-law and I had fun doing! The house is awesome. I'm so mad I didn't take pictures...I will next time we go. We plan on going several times a year while we can before our kids are in school. There are 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 living areas, an amazing kitchen (my favorite), a game room, and a screened in lanai with a pool and hot tub. Brielle had a blast and loved the pool. Bryce was his usual happy self. He had a huge first while we were there...he started sleeping through the night!! We are so happy to be home, but can't wait to go back! Here are a few of the pictures that I did take...
Our home away from home..North Port, FL
Daddy and his girl swimming
Loving on Daddy
Daddy/Daughter time in the hot tub
My boys
Brycey loved the pool too
Our HAPPY boy...could just eat him up!
and a close this boy to pieces!
The loves of our lives

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 4, 2010

We stayed home this year for the 4th and had a very nice weekend. We relaxed and enjoyed our kids :) Holidays always make me want to look back at pictures of Brielle and remember the times with her as a baby. We have loved watching her grow into a little lady and we look forward to watching Bryce go through all the baby stages.
July 4th, 2008...10 months old
July 4, 2009...almost 2 yrs old
Brielle and cousin Camden
July 4, 2010..almost 3 yrs old (notice Bryce in the corner watching sissy)
Now we have little Bryce in our lives and it makes life that much sweeter :)
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend

Friday, July 2, 2010

2 Months!

Our baby boy is 2 months old...we can't believe it! He went for his 2 month checkup last week. He weighs 11 lbs 2 ounces (40th %) and 22 3/4 inches (50th %) He is still our little peanut :) He now sleeps in his crib in his room, but is still getting up once a night to eat. He is full of smiles, which just melts our hearts! He follows us walk in and out of the room and loves to watch his big sissy..she sure can make him smile. We love him to pieces and can't imagine life without our two beautiful children. I hope to do a "photo shoot" of the kiddos soon, once I do I will share them. Hope you all have a safe and happy July 4th weekend!
Just woke up
BIG Smile :)
Looks like he wants to say something
Serious look...Like my mohawk?
Happy boy