Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Just Being Cute!

Brielle is on the go, go, go all the time that it's hard for me to take her picture, but I have recently been able to get some up close ones of our cutie pie and wanted to share them!
Mooching her rubber duckie :)
brush, brush, brush

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Crazy Girl!

Brielle is becoming such a "big" girl and is developing quite the personality! She is sooo crazy and keeps Mommy and Daddy on our toes ;)
This is the face she made the other day when her favorite cartoon came on!
Being goofy in Daddy's hat....NEVER even took a pacifier
Cousin Camden came to visit this weekend and Brielle had quite the time wearing his hat. It is hilarious because it looks like she doesn't have any hair.

Brielle can now get up on the couch all by herself! Here is a video of her "hard" work :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Couldn't Resist!

Over the holidays Brielle put on Grandma Stauffer's glasses and I couldn't resist taking her picture! I'm sure she will love me one day for it :) Too cute and hilarious!